texas council child welfare boards
The Texas Council of Child Welfare Boards solicits statewide nominations from Regional Councils annually to recognize individuals and organizations that have made positive contributions to the foster care community. The TCCWB Awards Committee selects the final winners, who are then honored during an awards luncheon in Austin, Texas, in the fall.
TCCWB met in Austin on Thursday & Friday November 11th & 12th for their annual conference and awards banquet.
Besides regular business, meeting highlights included presentations from DFPS, Catherine Early, and others.
On Friday, the annual TCCWB Awards Luncheon was held for the statewide awards for this year. Recipients were honored in person at the luncheon with plaques given. Besides the plaques, the foster male & female youth of the year were each given a monetary gift to assist with daily living.
The luncheon was well attended with representation from throughout the state.
This year’s honorees are the following:
Female Outstanding Youth of the Year – Skylie Myers-Watson –Cherokee County - Region 4
Male Outstanding Youth of the Year – Isiah Ornelas, Bexar County - Region 8
Outstanding CPS Leader – Belinda Burke - Bell County – Region 7
Foster Parents of the Year – Paul & Brittany Benoit - Travis County - Region 7
Outstanding Community Resource - The Heard Foundation - Williamson County - Region 7
and - Nurture Nolan - Nolan County - Region 2
Volunteer of the Year – Dr Jerry Nash - Montgomery County - Region 6
Mosley Hobson supervises the Disporttherine Early serves as Assistant Professor for the MSU Texas Social Work Development where her teaching and research interests focus on social welfare policy, ethics, child welfare, child sex trafficking, and administrative and community practice. Her social work experience includes direct service, consulting, administrative, policy and advocacy work in the fields of child welfare, child domestic sex trafficking, early childhood education, and child & family ministry. She hold a Master of Science in Social Work Degree and is a Licensed Child Placing Agency Administrator. She is currently pursuing her PhD. in Counselor Education at Texas Tech University. To help reduce the stigma faced by foster children and families, she developed Fostering Brighter Futures as a statewide project of the Texas Council of Child Welfare Boards.
Catherine's past volunteer roles include President of the Junior League of Wichita Falls, President of the Wichita County Child Welfare Board, Chairperson for Community Partners of North Texas, and Trainer & Mentor for Traffick911.